Sep 11, 2020
Brake Blog
32,456 Total Views
Take care of your car and your car will take care of you. Truer words were never written. However, it’s not always easy to tell which auto repair businesses have the knowledge and experience you need or a reputation you can trust. To help you save your time and money, we have put together
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Aug 20, 2020
Brake Blog
32,171 Total Views
Any noise your car makes out of the ordinary can be alarming. Perhaps the most troubling sound is that of squeaking brakes. However, not all squeaking brake noises are cause for alarm. Sometimes, brakes squeak simply due to mere physics. Even so, you need to know when squealing indicates a serious problem that should be
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Jul 10, 2020
Brake Blog
23,610 Total Views
Your brakes are more than just what you see when you look down at the pedal. Your brakes are rather complicated and have a lot of moving parts to them. Thus, there are many kinds of repair your brakes may need that go beyond simple replacement. The mechanics at Dallas Brakes are more than happy
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Jun 9, 2020
Brake Blog
20,926 Total Views
A functioning set of brakes is the most important safety feature in any vehicle regardless of its make or model. This should come as a surprise to no one. However, you might be surprised at how many people drive around with brakes that are not in peak condition. Before you find yourself in our Luxury
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May 12, 2020
Brake Blog
16,546 Total Views
When needing new brakes, sometimes it can be obvious while other times it is not. Regardless, your brakes are a crucial function for your car and safety. So when is it really time for new brake pads? Here are some warning signs that you may need a brake service: Noise– squealing or screeching. This is
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Feb 21, 2014
Brake Blog
20,731 Total Views
The braking system on a car, truck, van, or any vehicle is very complex. To safely stop a moving vehicle that is going 30 mph or 70 mph requires each part of the braking system to be functioning properly. Eventually, brake service will need to be done on one or more of the parts, and
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